To preserve and protect wilderness for future generations.
Conservation at CWS is supported by three pillars, namely Biodiversity, Community and Sustainability.
Minimal Environmental Impact
Solar Power
Ceylon Wild Safaris far from and not connected to a power grid. We are proudly the very first safari tourism operation in Sri Lanka to run a luxury and experiential property completely on solar power! With a system in place that allows us to run completely on solar power even throughout the rainy seasons.
Camp Layout
With our camp being based in an area which is tied to our conservation mission of reforesting the buffer zone jungles, the entire camp layout is designed in a way which uses minimal land. This way, we are able to allocate more of the surrounding land to our wilderness protection program. This also allows local wildlife to roam freely in the surrounding jungles of the property.
Food waste from the Kitchen is all composted and this compost is used on the lands of our reforesting programs where we encourage our guests to help plant more and more trees!
Waste Separation
We all know that waste separation is a major concern for many countries across Asia which has led to many pollution issues. Step by step we all need to do our part in the battle against pollution and to accomplish that we encourage our guests to use the waste separation bins which are placed strategically around the camp.
Elimination of Plastic Water Bottles
One of the world’s largest plastic waste materials are plastic water bottles. To eliminate any plastic water bottles, the camp provides re-usable water flasks for rooms, and also for when guests are out on safari and bush walks.
How do We Help the Community?
Supplies and Hardware
Most of our camp food such as vegetables and fruits come from local suppliers which not only gives us the benefit of having fresh stocks, but the community suppliers financially benefit from our operation. Aside from food supplies, all maintenance materials and various camp related hardware are all purchased from local traders. Local transport providers also benefit as we employ them with bringing the supplies to us from the Kataragama and Thissamaharama town.
Educational Safaris
Ethics and professionalism is of utmost importance when running a safari tourism operation. Our internationally qualified team has the pleasure of educating the local jeep community on how to carry out an ethical and responsible safari. Those who wish to comply with our code of conduct, are given business by Ceylon Wild Safaris and get to join our rangers and guests on a professional and educational safari.
A Brighter Future...
Ceylon Wild Safaris has a goal to accomplish, a dream of which we are already in pursuit. A new leaf is to be turned in the sustainable safari tourism industry in Sri Lanka and we have mapped our path in order to reach that achievement.
Youth Goal
In the near future our team plans to begin a program to expose the youth to the importance of nature conservation by collaborating with local schools and colleges to organise camping expeditions for children, hosted by our professionals. The world of nature conservation is in the hands of the youth and as current conservationists it is our duty to pass down our passions and ethics in the wildlife field.
Research Goal
Also in the near future, Ceylon Wild Safaris will be implementing a structured and conservative wildlife research hub in order for us to collaborate with universities and allow higher level students to carry out their research from our wilderness location. Working in collaboration with university programs will allow us to come together with the data we need in order for us to target particular and necessary conservation methods. Team work is key to success in the world of wildlife conservation.